BootManager log created on: 2016-01-19-08-54 From IP: hostname: uploaded file: /tmp/phppoQNdx (62142 bytes) ----------------- 08:52:24(UTC) BootManager started at: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 08:52:24 +0000 08:52:24(UTC) Running version 5.3 of BootManager. 08:52:24(UTC) Step: Initializing the BootManager. 08:52:24(UTC) Opening connection to API server 08:52:24(UTC) Running on boot cd version: (5, 3) 08:52:24(UTC) Loading support for LVM 08:52:24(UTC) sysexec >>> modprobe dm_mod 08:52:24(UTC) ==========stderr WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/. 08:52:24(UTC) Step: Reading node configuration file. 08:52:24(UTC) Checking standard floppy disk for plnode.txt file. 08:52:24(UTC) Mounting /dev/fd0 on /tmp/conffilemount 08:52:24(UTC) sysexec >>> mount -o ro -t ext2,msdos /dev/fd0 /tmp/conffilemount 08:52:25(UTC) ==========stderr mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/conffilemount 08:52:25(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/conffilemount: not mounted 08:52:25(UTC) Checking flash devices for plnode.txt file. 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram0 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram1 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram2 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram3 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram4 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram5 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram6 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram7 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram8 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram9 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram10 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram11 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram12 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram13 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram14 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device ram15 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device loop0 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device loop1 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device loop2 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device loop3 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device loop4 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device loop5 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device loop6 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device loop7 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-removable device sda 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device sr0 08:52:25(UTC) Skipping non-scsi device fd0 08:52:25(UTC) Checking standard floppy disk for planet.cnf file (for legacy nodes). 08:52:25(UTC) Checking / (ramdisk) for plnode.txt file. 08:52:25(UTC) Checking for existence of /plnode.txt 08:52:25(UTC) Checking /usr/boot (cd) for plnode.txt file. 08:52:25(UTC) Checking for existence of /usr/boot/plnode.txt 08:52:25(UTC) Read in contents of file /usr/boot/plnode.txt 08:52:25(UTC) Successfully read and parsed node configuration file. 08:52:25(UTC) Checking that hostname resolves 08:52:25(UTC) Hostname correctly resolves to 08:52:25(UTC) Using NODE_ID 1 08:52:25(UTC) ReadNodeConfiguration: [5] using plnode.txt from CD in /usr/boot 08:52:25(UTC) Step: Authenticating node with PLC. 08:52:25(UTC) Authentication successful. 08:52:25(UTC) Step: Updating node last boot times at PLC. 08:52:25(UTC) Successfully updated boot state for this node at PLC 08:52:25(UTC) Step: Starting 08:52:25(UTC) Step: Retrieving details of node from PLC. 08:52:25(UTC) Successfully retrieved node record. 08:52:25(UTC) Current boot state: reinstall 08:52:25(UTC) Node make/model: qemu/minhw 08:52:25(UTC) node model indicates override to hardware requirements. 08:52:25(UTC) Primary network as returned from PLC: {'last_updated': None, 'network': '', 'ip': '', 'dns1': '', 'hostname': None, 'netmask': '', 'interface_tag_ids': [], 'interface_id': 1, 'broadcast': '', 'method': 'static', 'mac': '02:34:56:00:00:05', 'node_id': 1, 'gateway': '', 'dns2': '', 'is_primary': True, 'type': 'ipv4', 'bwlimit': None} 08:52:25(UTC) NodeFlavour as returned from PLC: {'fcdistro': 'f14', 'nodefamily': 'onelab-f14-x86_64', 'virt': 'vs', 'extensions': [], 'pldistro': 'onelab', 'plain': False, 'arch': 'x86_64'} 08:52:25(UTC) Step: Starting fallback sshd. 08:52:25(UTC) Creating SSH1 RSA host key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> ssh-keygen -q -t rsa1 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -C '' -N '' 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 644 /etc/ssh/ 08:52:25(UTC) Creating SSH2 RSA host key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -C '' -N '' 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 644 /etc/ssh/ 08:52:25(UTC) Creating SSH2 DSA host key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -C '' -N '' 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 644 /etc/ssh/ 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> cp -f /tmp/source/debug_files//sshd_config /etc/ssh//sshd_config 08:52:25(UTC) Installing debug ssh key for root user 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> cp -f /tmp/source/debug_files//debug_root_ssh_key /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 700 /root/.ssh 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 08:52:25(UTC) Starting sshd 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> service sshd start 08:52:25(UTC) ==========stdout Starting sshd: [ OK ] 08:52:25(UTC) sysexec >>> touch /tmp/SSHD_RUNNING 08:52:25(UTC) Step: Checking if hardware requirements met. 08:52:25(UTC) Checking for available memory. 08:52:25(UTC) Looks like we have enough memory: 2055444 kb 08:52:32(UTC) Detected block devices: 08:52:32(UTC) {'/dev/sda': (8, 0, 104857600, 107.3741824, False)} 08:52:32(UTC) Usable block devices: 08:52:32(UTC) ['/dev/sda'] 08:52:32(UTC) Total size for all usable block devices: 107.37 Gb 08:52:32(UTC) Step: Install: Initializing. 08:52:32(UTC) Unmounting any previous mounts 08:52:32(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/proc 08:52:32(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/proc: not found 08:52:32(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/mnt/cdrom 08:52:32(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/mnt/cdrom: not found 08:52:32(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/vservers 08:52:32(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/vservers: not found 08:52:32(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/sys 08:52:32(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/sys: not found 08:52:32(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/dev 08:52:32(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/dev: not found 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg: not found 08:52:33(UTC) Cleaning up any existing PlanetLab config files 08:52:33(UTC) Creating system image path 08:52:33(UTC) Step: Install: partitioning disks. 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> swapoff /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr swapoff: /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap: swapoff failed: No such file or directory 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> vgscan 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stdout Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while... 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgscan invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python No volume groups found 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> vgchange -ay 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgchange invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python No volume groups found 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> lvremove -f /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on lvremove invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python Volume group "planetlab" not found Skipping volume group planetlab 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> lvremove -f /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on lvremove invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python Volume group "planetlab" not found Skipping volume group planetlab 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> lvremove -f /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on lvremove invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python Volume group "planetlab" not found Skipping volume group planetlab 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> vgchange -an 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgchange invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python No volume groups found 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> vgremove -f planetlab 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgremove invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python Volume group "planetlab" not found 08:52:33(UTC) Running vgscan for devices 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> vgscan 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stdout Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while... 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgscan invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python No volume groups found 08:52:33(UTC) Using pyparted 2.x 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.0171804 s, 29.8 kB/s 08:52:33(UTC) Current disk for /dev/sda - partition type msdos parted.Disk instance -- type: msdos primaryPartitionCount: 1 lastPartitionNumber: 1 maxPrimaryPartitionCount: 4 partitions: [] device: PedDisk: <_ped.Disk object at 0x2169560> 08:52:33(UTC) Current dev for /dev/sda parted.Device instance -- model: ATA QEMU HARDDISK path: /dev/sda type: 1 sectorSize: 512 physicalSectorSize: 512 length: 209715200 openCount: 0 readOnly: False externalMode: False dirty: False bootDirty: False host: 1 did: 0 busy: False hardwareGeometry: (13054, 255, 63) biosGeometry: (13054, 255, 63) PedDevice: <_ped.Device object at 0x1f05ef0> 08:52:33(UTC) Successfully initialized /dev/sda 08:52:33(UTC) partitions=['/dev/sda1'] 08:52:33(UTC) sysexec >>> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=512 count=1 08:52:33(UTC) ==========stderr 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000911768 s, 562 kB/s 08:52:34(UTC) sysexec >>> pvcreate -ffy /dev/sda1 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stdout Physical volume "/dev/sda1" successfully created 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on pvcreate invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:34(UTC) sysexec >>> vgcreate -s32M planetlab /dev/sda1 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stdout Volume group "planetlab" successfully created 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgcreate invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:34(UTC) sysexec >>> lvcreate -L1G -nswap planetlab 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stdout Logical volume "swap" created 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on lvcreate invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:34(UTC) sysexec >>> lvcreate -L14G -nroot planetlab 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stdout Logical volume "root" created 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on lvcreate invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:34(UTC) sysexec >>> lvcreate -l2719 -nvservers planetlab 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stdout Logical volume "vservers" created 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on lvcreate invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:34(UTC) sysexec >>> mkswap -f /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:52:34(UTC) ==========stdout Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1048572 KiB no label, UUID=cae9344d-5fc6-4f77-ae82-3af3c8f453e1 08:52:34(UTC) formatting root partition (/dev/mapper/planetlab-root). 08:52:34(UTC) sysexec >>> mkfs.ext2 -q -m 5 -j /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:52:36(UTC) sysexec >>> tune2fs -c -1 -i 0 /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:52:36(UTC) ==========stdout tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010) Setting maximal mount count to -1 Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds 08:52:36(UTC) formatting vservers partition (/dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers). 08:52:36(UTC) sysexec >>> mkfs.ext2 -q -m 0 -j /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> tune2fs -c -1 -i 0 /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010) Setting maximal mount count to -1 Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds 08:52:47(UTC) Block devices used (in lvm): ['/dev/sda'] 08:52:47(UTC) End of InstallPartitionDisks - PARTITIONS status - BEG 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> vgdisplay 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout --- Volume group --- VG Name planetlab System ID Format lvm2 Metadata Areas 1 Metadata Sequence No 4 VG Access read/write VG Status resizable MAX LV 0 Cur LV 3 Open LV 0 Max PV 0 Cur PV 1 Act PV 1 VG Size 99.97 GiB PE Size 32.00 MiB Total PE 3199 Alloc PE / Size 3199 / 99.97 GiB Free PE / Size 0 / 0 VG UUID yIQpOv-j207-CiM6-eOE9-utXT-IKbc-icnnVZ 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> pvdisplay 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout --- Physical volume --- PV Name /dev/sda1 VG Name planetlab PV Size 100.00 GiB / not usable 30.66 MiB Allocatable yes (but full) PE Size 32.00 MiB Total PE 3199 Free PE 0 Allocated PE 3199 PV UUID XhK0rb-NUbi-ESpx-HmwV-qA6o-7Tpr-wk7eWw 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on pvdisplay invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:47(UTC) PARTITIONS[root]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-root -> ../dm-1 08:52:47(UTC) PARTITIONS[swap]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap -> ../dm-0 08:52:47(UTC) PARTITIONS[vservers]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers -> ../dm-2 08:52:47(UTC) End of InstallPartitionDisks - PARTITIONS status - END 08:52:47(UTC) Step: Install: bootstrapfs tarball (upgrade=False). 08:52:47(UTC) In InstallBootstrapFS - PARTITIONS status - BEG 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> vgdisplay 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout --- Volume group --- VG Name planetlab System ID Format lvm2 Metadata Areas 1 Metadata Sequence No 4 VG Access read/write VG Status resizable MAX LV 0 Cur LV 3 Open LV 0 Max PV 0 Cur PV 1 Act PV 1 VG Size 99.97 GiB PE Size 32.00 MiB Total PE 3199 Alloc PE / Size 3199 / 99.97 GiB Free PE / Size 0 / 0 VG UUID yIQpOv-j207-CiM6-eOE9-utXT-IKbc-icnnVZ 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> pvdisplay 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout --- Physical volume --- PV Name /dev/sda1 VG Name planetlab PV Size 100.00 GiB / not usable 30.66 MiB Allocatable yes (but full) PE Size 32.00 MiB Total PE 3199 Free PE 0 Allocated PE 3199 PV UUID XhK0rb-NUbi-ESpx-HmwV-qA6o-7Tpr-wk7eWw 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on pvdisplay invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:52:47(UTC) PARTITIONS[root]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-root -> ../dm-1 08:52:47(UTC) PARTITIONS[swap]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap -> ../dm-0 08:52:47(UTC) PARTITIONS[vservers]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:52:47(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers -> ../dm-2 08:52:47(UTC) In InstallBootstrapFS - PARTITIONS status - END 08:52:47(UTC) turning on swap space 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> swapon /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:52:47(UTC) mounting root file system 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> mount -t ext3 /dev/mapper/planetlab-root /tmp/mnt/sysimg 08:52:47(UTC) mounting vserver partition in root file system (type ext3) 08:52:47(UTC) sysexec >>> mount -t ext3 /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers /tmp/mnt/sysimg/vservers 08:52:47(UTC) Using compressed bootstrapfs images 08:52:47(UTC) Using nodefamily=onelab-f14-x86_64 08:52:47(UTC) Installing only core software 08:52:47(UTC) downloading /boot/bootstrapfs-onelab-f14-x86_64.tar.bz2 08:52:55(UTC) Done downloading (7 seconds) 08:52:55(UTC) downloading sha1sum for /boot/bootstrapfs-onelab-f14-x86_64.tar.bz2 08:52:55(UTC) verifying sha1sum for /boot/bootstrapfs-onelab-f14-x86_64.tar.bz2 08:52:55(UTC) extracting /tmp/mnt/sysimg/bootstrapfs-onelab-f14-x86_64.tar.bz2 in /tmp/mnt/sysimg 08:52:55(UTC) sysexec >>> tar -C /tmp/mnt/sysimg -xpf /tmp/mnt/sysimg/bootstrapfs-onelab-f14-x86_64.tar.bz2 -j 08:53:37(UTC) Done extracting (42 seconds) 08:53:37(UTC) Copying resolv.conf to temp dir 08:53:37(UTC) sysexec >>> cp /etc/resolv.conf /tmp/mnt/sysimg/etc/ 08:53:37(UTC) Copying boot server certificates and public key 08:53:37(UTC) sysexec (shell mode) >>> gpg --homedir=/root --export --armor --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/mnt/sysimg/usr/boot/pubring.gpg > /tmp/mnt/sysimg/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-planetlab08:53:37(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-planetlab 08:53:38(UTC) Step: Install: Writing configuration files. 08:53:38(UTC) Setting local time to UTC 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime 08:53:38(UTC) Creating system directory /etc/planetlab 08:53:38(UTC) Writing system /etc/fstab 08:53:38(UTC) Writing system /etc/issue 08:53:38(UTC) Setting up authentication (non-ssh) 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg authconfig --nostart --kickstart --enablemd5 --enableshadow 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec (shell mode) >>> sed -e 's/^root\:\:/root\:*\:/g' /tmp/mnt/sysimg/etc/shadow > /tmp/mnt/sysimg/etc/shadow.new08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg mv /etc/ /etc/shadow 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg chmod 400 /etc/shadow 08:53:38(UTC) Writing node install_version 08:53:38(UTC) Creating ssh host keys 08:53:38(UTC) Generating SSH1 RSA host key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key (mandatory success=False) 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 600 /tmp/mnt/sysimg//etc/ssh/ssh_host_key 08:53:38(UTC) ==========stderr chmod: cannot access `/tmp/mnt/sysimg//etc/ssh/ssh_host_key': No such file or directory 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 644 /tmp/mnt/sysimg//etc/ssh/ 08:53:38(UTC) ==========stderr chmod: cannot access `/tmp/mnt/sysimg//etc/ssh/': No such file or directory 08:53:38(UTC) Generating SSH2 RSA host key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key (mandatory success=True) 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -C '' -N '' 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 600 /tmp/mnt/sysimg//etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 644 /tmp/mnt/sysimg//etc/ssh/ 08:53:38(UTC) Generating SSH2 DSA host key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key (mandatory success=True) 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -C '' -N '' 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 600 /tmp/mnt/sysimg//etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 644 /tmp/mnt/sysimg//etc/ssh/ 08:53:38(UTC) Step: Install: Shutting down installer. 08:53:38(UTC) Shutting down swap 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> swapoff /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:53:38(UTC) Step: Running Ansible Hook 08:53:38(UTC) No Ansible directive. Skipping. 08:53:38(UTC) Step: Updating node boot state at PLC. 08:53:38(UTC) Successfully updated boot state for this node at PLC 08:53:38(UTC) Step: Starting fallback sshd. 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> cp -f /tmp/source/debug_files//sshd_config /etc/ssh//sshd_config 08:53:38(UTC) Installing debug ssh key for root user 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> cp -f /tmp/source/debug_files//debug_root_ssh_key /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 700 /root/.ssh 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 08:53:38(UTC) sshd is already running 08:53:38(UTC) Step: Install: Initializing. 08:53:38(UTC) Unmounting any previous mounts 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/proc 08:53:38(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/proc: not mounted 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/mnt/cdrom 08:53:38(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/mnt/cdrom: not mounted 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/vservers 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/sys 08:53:38(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/sys: not mounted 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/dev 08:53:38(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/dev: not mounted 08:53:38(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg 08:53:39(UTC) Cleaning up any existing PlanetLab config files 08:53:39(UTC) Creating system image path 08:53:39(UTC) Step: Validating node installation. 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> vgscan 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while... Found volume group "planetlab" using metadata type lvm2 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgscan invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> vgchange -ay planetlab 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout 3 logical volume(s) in volume group "planetlab" now active 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgchange invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:53:39(UTC) fsck root file system 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> e2fsck -v -p /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout /dev/mapper/planetlab-root: clean, 19611/917504 files, 244526/3670016 blocks 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> tune2fs -c -1 -i 0 /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010) Setting maximal mount count to -1 Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds 08:53:39(UTC) fsck vservers file system 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> e2fsck -v -p /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers: clean, 24360/5570560 files, 512236/22274048 blocks 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> tune2fs -c -1 -i 0 /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010) Setting maximal mount count to -1 Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds 08:53:39(UTC) mounting root file system 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> mount -t ext3 /dev/mapper/planetlab-root /tmp/mnt/sysimg 08:53:39(UTC) mounting /proc 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> mount -t proc none /tmp/mnt/sysimg/proc 08:53:39(UTC) mounting vservers partition in root file system 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> mount -t ext3 /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers /tmp/mnt/sysimg/vservers 08:53:39(UTC) Checking for a custom kernel 08:53:39(UTC) Updated /etc/planetlab/node_id 08:53:39(UTC) Node installation appears to be ok 08:53:39(UTC) Step: WriteModProbeConfig. 08:53:39(UTC) Contents of new modprobe.conf file: 08:53:39(UTC) # Written out by BootManager alias eth0 e1000 alias scsi_hostadapter0 ata_piix alias scsi_hostadapter1 pata_acpi options ata_generic all_generic_ide=1 08:53:39(UTC) End contents of new modprobe.conf file. 08:53:39(UTC) Step: Install: Writing Network Configuration files. 08:53:39(UTC) Writing /etc/planetlab/plc_config 08:53:39(UTC) getting via 08:53:39(UTC) Done 08:53:39(UTC) Writing /etc/hosts 08:53:39(UTC) net:InitInterfaces interface 1: {'last_updated': None, 'network': '', 'ip': '', 'dns1': '', 'hostname': None, 'netmask': '', 'interface_tag_ids': [], 'interface_id': 1, 'broadcast': '', 'method': 'static', 'mac': '02:34:56:00:00:05', 'node_id': 1, 'gateway': '', 'dns2': '', 'is_primary': True, 'type': 'ipv4', 'bwlimit': None} 08:53:39(UTC) net:InitInterfaces macs = {'00:00:00:00:00:00': 'lo', '02:34:56:00:00:05': 'eth0'} 08:53:39(UTC) net:InitInterfaces ips = {'': 'eth0', '': 'lo'} 08:53:39(UTC) net:InitInterfaces orig_ifname = eth0 08:53:39(UTC) net:InitInterfaces: Device map: {'eth0': {'USERCTL': 'no', 'DNS2': '', 'DNS1': '', 'IPADDR': '', 'PRIMARY': 'yes', 'GATEWAY': '', 'NETMASK': '', 'BOOTPROTO': 'static', 'HWADDR': '02:34:56:00:00:05', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}} 08:53:39(UTC) net:InitInterfaces adding configuration for eth0 08:53:39(UTC) Step: Checking for unused disks to add to LVM. 08:53:39(UTC) In CheckForNewDisks - PARTITIONS status - BEG 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> vgdisplay 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout --- Volume group --- VG Name planetlab System ID Format lvm2 Metadata Areas 1 Metadata Sequence No 4 VG Access read/write VG Status resizable MAX LV 0 Cur LV 3 Open LV 2 Max PV 0 Cur PV 1 Act PV 1 VG Size 99.97 GiB PE Size 32.00 MiB Total PE 3199 Alloc PE / Size 3199 / 99.97 GiB Free PE / Size 0 / 0 VG UUID yIQpOv-j207-CiM6-eOE9-utXT-IKbc-icnnVZ 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> pvdisplay 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout --- Physical volume --- PV Name /dev/sda1 VG Name planetlab PV Size 100.00 GiB / not usable 30.66 MiB Allocatable yes (but full) PE Size 32.00 MiB Total PE 3199 Free PE 0 Allocated PE 3199 PV UUID XhK0rb-NUbi-ESpx-HmwV-qA6o-7Tpr-wk7eWw 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on pvdisplay invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:53:39(UTC) PARTITIONS[root]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-root -> ../dm-1 08:53:39(UTC) PARTITIONS[swap]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap -> ../dm-0 08:53:39(UTC) PARTITIONS[vservers]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers -> ../dm-2 08:53:39(UTC) In CheckForNewDisks - PARTITIONS status - END 08:53:39(UTC) Checking device /dev/sda to see if it is part of the volume group. 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec (shell mode) >>> pvdisplay /dev/sda1 | grep -q planetlab08:53:39(UTC) It appears /dev/sda is part of the volume group, continuing. 08:53:39(UTC) No new disk devices to add to volume group. 08:53:39(UTC) Step: Sending hardware configuration to PLC. 08:53:39(UTC) step SendHardwareConfigToPLC Not implemented, continuing. 08:53:39(UTC) Step: Chain booting node. 08:53:39(UTC) In ChainBootNode - PARTITIONS status - BEG 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> vgdisplay 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout --- Volume group --- VG Name planetlab System ID Format lvm2 Metadata Areas 1 Metadata Sequence No 4 VG Access read/write VG Status resizable MAX LV 0 Cur LV 3 Open LV 2 Max PV 0 Cur PV 1 Act PV 1 VG Size 99.97 GiB PE Size 32.00 MiB Total PE 3199 Alloc PE / Size 3199 / 99.97 GiB Free PE / Size 0 / 0 VG UUID yIQpOv-j207-CiM6-eOE9-utXT-IKbc-icnnVZ 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> pvdisplay 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout --- Physical volume --- PV Name /dev/sda1 VG Name planetlab PV Size 100.00 GiB / not usable 30.66 MiB Allocatable yes (but full) PE Size 32.00 MiB Total PE 3199 Free PE 0 Allocated PE 3199 PV UUID XhK0rb-NUbi-ESpx-HmwV-qA6o-7Tpr-wk7eWw 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on pvdisplay invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:53:39(UTC) PARTITIONS[root]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-root 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-root -> ../dm-1 08:53:39(UTC) PARTITIONS[swap]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-swap -> ../dm-0 08:53:39(UTC) PARTITIONS[vservers]=/dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> ls -l /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers 08:53:39(UTC) ==========stdout lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 19 08:52 /dev/mapper/planetlab-vservers -> ../dm-2 08:53:39(UTC) In ChainBootNode - PARTITIONS status - END 08:53:39(UTC) Updated /etc/planetlab/session 08:53:39(UTC) Updating configuration files. 08:53:39(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg /usr/bin/env python /usr/share/NodeManager/ --noscripts 08:53:43(UTC) Running node update. 08:53:43(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg /usr/bin/ start noreboot 08:54:07(UTC) ==========stdout Config time: 0.005 Yum Version: 3.2.28 Setting up Package Sacks pkgsack time: 14.981 rpmdb time: 0.000 Setting up Update Process Building updates object up:Obs Init time: 0.271 up:simple updates time: 0.117 up:obs time: 0.033 up:condense time: 0.000 updates time: 1.060 No Packages marked for Update Config time: 0.003 Yum Version: 3.2.28 Setting up Package Sacks pkgsack time: 0.027 rpmdb time: 0.000 Setting up Update Process Building updates object up:Obs Init time: 0.304 up:simple updates time: 0.147 up:obs time: 0.037 up:condense time: 0.000 updates time: 1.008 No Packages marked for Update Config time: 0.004 Yum Version: 3.2.28 Setting up Package Sacks pkgsack time: 0.034 rpmdb time: 0.000 Setting up Install Process Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for nodemanager-lxc No package nodemanager-lxc available. Config time: 0.003 Yum Version: 3.2.28 Setting up Package Sacks pkgsack time: 0.026 rpmdb time: 0.000 Setting up Update Process Building updates object up:Obs Init time: 0.238 up:simple updates time: 0.176 up:obs time: 0.048 up:condense time: 0.000 updates time: 0.978 No Packages marked for Update Config time: 0.004 Yum Version: 3.2.28 Setting up Package Sacks pkgsack time: 0.033 rpmdb time: 0.000 Setting up Group Process group time: 0.847 Adding package openssh-clients from group planetlab Building updates object up:Obs Init time: 0.308 up:simple updates time: 0.219 up:obs time: 0.041 up:condense time: 0.000 updates time: 1.203 Package openssh-clients-5.5p1-24.fc14.2.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package util-vserver-sysv from group planetlab Package util-vserver-sysv-0.30.216-21.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package iputils from group planetlab Package iputils-20100418-3.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package kbd from group planetlab Package kbd-1.15-11.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package iproute from group planetlab Package iproute-2.6.35-9.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package rsyslog from group planetlab Package rsyslog-4.6.3-3.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package tmpwatch from group planetlab Package tmpwatch-2.10-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package util-vserver-core from group planetlab Package util-vserver-core-0.30.216-21.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package vsys-scripts from group planetlab Package vsys-scripts-0.95-51.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package basesystem from group planetlab Package basesystem-10.0-3.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package openvpn from group planetlab Package openvpn-2.1.1-2.fc13.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package iptables from group planetlab Package iptables-1.4.10-5.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package psacct from group planetlab Package psacct-6.5.4-5.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package PyXML from group planetlab Package PyXML-0.8.4-25.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package python from group planetlab Package python-2.7-8.fc14.1.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package cpio from group planetlab Package cpio-2.11-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package python3 from group planetlab Package python3-3.1.2-14.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package dhclient from group planetlab Package 12:dhclient-4.2.0-23.P2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package madwifi from group planetlab No package named madwifi available to be installed Adding package nrpe from group planetlab Package nrpe-2.12-16.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package vsys from group planetlab Package vsys-0.99-3.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package libnl from group planetlab Package libnl-1.1-14.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package ipfwroot from group planetlab Package ipfwroot-3- already installed and latest version Adding package kernel from group planetlab Package kernel-2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package parted from group planetlab Package parted-2.3-5.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package vconfig from group planetlab Package vconfig-1.9-8.fc12.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package vserver-sliceimage from group planetlab Package vserver-sliceimage-5.1-11.onelab.2016.01.19.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package ed from group planetlab Package ed-1.4-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package udev from group planetlab Package udev-161-10.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package monitor-client from group planetlab Package monitor-client-3.1-6.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package setserial from group planetlab Package setserial-2.17-26.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package mailcap from group planetlab Package mailcap-2.1.35-1.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package rsync from group planetlab Package rsync-3.0.8-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package sliceimage-system-onelab-f14-x86_64 from group planetlab Package sliceimage-system-onelab-f14-x86_64-5.1-11.2016.01.19.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package glibc from group planetlab Package glibc-2.13-2.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package bc from group planetlab Package bc-1.06.95-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package shadow-utils from group planetlab Package 2:shadow-utils- already installed and latest version Adding package emacs-nox from group planetlab Package 1:emacs-nox-23.2-7.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package util-linux-ng from group planetlab Package util-linux-ng-2.18-4.8.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package sendmail from group planetlab Package sendmail-8.14.4-10.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package ntp from group planetlab Package ntp-4.2.6p3-0.1.rc10.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package ipod from group planetlab Package ipod-2.2-1.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package fprobe-ulog from group planetlab Package fprobe-ulog-1.1.4-3.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package wget from group planetlab Package wget-1.12-4.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package bash from group planetlab Package bash-4.1.7-4.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package rootfiles from group planetlab Package rootfiles-8.1-6.fc12.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package ethtool from group planetlab Package 2:ethtool-2.6.39-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package bind-utils from group planetlab Package 32:bind-utils-9.7.4-2.P1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package yum from group planetlab Package yum-3.2.28-7.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package lsof from group planetlab Package lsof-4.83-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package lvm2 from group planetlab Package lvm2-2.02.84-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package rpm from group planetlab Package rpm-4.8.1-7.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package vim-minimal from group planetlab Package 2:vim-minimal-7.3.315-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package util-vserver-legacy from group planetlab Package util-vserver-legacy-0.30.216-21.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package codemux from group planetlab Package codemux-0.1-15.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package perl from group planetlab Package 4:perl-5.12.4-148.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package util-vserver-build from group planetlab Package util-vserver-build-0.30.216-21.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package dracut from group planetlab Package dracut-006-6.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package tcpdump from group planetlab Package 14:tcpdump-4.1.1-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package rsh from group planetlab Package rsh-0.17-63.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package NodeUpdate from group planetlab Package NodeUpdate-0.5-14.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package openssh-server from group planetlab Package openssh-server-5.5p1-24.fc14.2.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package nfs-utils from group planetlab Package 1:nfs-utils-1.2.3-6.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package util-vserver from group planetlab Package util-vserver-0.30.216-21.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package sliceimage-onelab-f14-x86_64 from group planetlab Package sliceimage-onelab-f14-x86_64-5.1-11.2016.01.19.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package authconfig from group planetlab Package authconfig-6.1.11-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package hdparm from group planetlab Package hdparm-9.27-1.fc13.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package setup from group planetlab Package setup-2.8.28-2.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package initscripts from group planetlab Package initscripts-9.20.2-1.fc14.1.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package pl_sshd from group planetlab Package pl_sshd-1.0-11.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package procps from group planetlab Package procps-3.2.8-15.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package expect from group planetlab Package expect- already installed and latest version Adding package cronie-anacron from group planetlab Package cronie-anacron-1.4.8-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package tar from group planetlab Package 2:tar-1.23-9.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package pyplnet from group planetlab Package pyplnet-4.3-18.onelab.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package sudo from group planetlab Package sudo-1.7.4p5-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package logrotate from group planetlab Package logrotate-3.7.9-4.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package at from group planetlab Package at-3.1.12-6.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package file from group planetlab Package file-5.04-17.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package traceroute from group planetlab Package 3:traceroute-2.0.18-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package curl from group planetlab Package curl-7.21.0-10.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package crontabs from group planetlab Package crontabs-1.11-1.20101115git.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version Adding package bzip2 from group planetlab Package bzip2-1.0.6-1.fc14.1.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package nc from group planetlab Package nc-1.100-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package util-vserver-pl from group planetlab Package util-vserver-pl-0.4-29.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package coreutils from group planetlab Package coreutils-8.5-7.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package wireless-tools from group planetlab Package 1:wireless-tools-29-5.1.fc12.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package util-vserver-lib from group planetlab Package util-vserver-lib-0.30.216-21.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package passwd from group planetlab Package passwd-0.78-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package time from group planetlab Package time-1.7-38.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package quota from group planetlab Package 1:quota-3.17-18.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package telnet from group planetlab Package 1:telnet-0.17-51.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package readline from group planetlab Package readline-6.1-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package cronie from group planetlab Package cronie-1.4.8-2.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package nano from group planetlab Package nano-2.2.4-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package filesystem from group planetlab Package filesystem-2.4.35-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package diffutils from group planetlab Package diffutils-2.8.1-29.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package e2fsprogs from group planetlab Package e2fsprogs-1.41.12-6.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package monitor-runlevelagent from group planetlab Package monitor-runlevelagent-3.1-6.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package pciutils from group planetlab Package pciutils-3.1.7-3.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package gzip from group planetlab Package gzip-1.4-1.fc14.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package nodemanager-vs from group planetlab Package nodemanager-vs-5.2-18.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version Adding package pl_mom from group planetlab Package pl_mom-2.3-5.onelab.x86_64 already installed and latest version No packages in any requested group available to install or update Config time: 0.004 Yum Version: 3.2.28 Setting up Package Sacks pkgsack time: 0.034 rpmdb time: 0.000 Setting up Update Process Updating Everything Building updates object up:Obs Init time: 0.220 up:simple updates time: 0.161 up:obs time: 0.030 up:condense time: 0.000 updates time: 1.008 No Packages marked for Update ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:43 Turning on messages ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:43 Checking existence of proxy config file... ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:43 Not using any proxy. ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:43 Rebuilding RPM Database. ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Looking for RPMs to be deleted. ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 No RPMs listed in file to delete. ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Removing any existing GPG signing keys from the RPM database ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Installing all GPG signing keys in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Removing any existing reboot flags ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Ignoring any reboot flags set by RPMs ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Checking if /usr/bin/yum supports --verbose ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 It does, using --verbose option ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Checking if /usr/bin/yum supports SSL certificate checks ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Unsupported, not using --sslcertdir option ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Invoking /usr/bin/yum clean all ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 List of crucial packages: ['NodeUpdate', 'nodemanager-lib', 'nodemanager-lxc', 'nodemanager-vs'] ***** 2016-01-19 08:53:44 Invoking /usr/bin/yum --verbose -y update NodeUpdate ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:01 Invoking /usr/bin/yum --verbose -y update nodemanager-lib ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:02 Invoking /usr/bin/yum --verbose -y install nodemanager-lxc ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:02 Invoking /usr/bin/yum --verbose -y update nodemanager-vs ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:04 Updating PlanetLab group ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:04 Invoking /usr/bin/yum --verbose -y groupinstall PlanetLab ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:06 Updating rest of system ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:06 Invoking /usr/bin/yum --verbose -y update ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:07 Checking for extra groups (extensions) to update ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:07 No extra groups found in file. ***** 2016-01-19 08:54:07 Update complete. 08:54:07(UTC) ==========stderr error: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-14-primary: import failed. error: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-i386: import failed. error: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-sparc: import read failed(-1). error: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-sparc64: import read failed(-1). error: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-x86_64: import failed. Error: Nothing to do 08:54:07(UTC) Step: Rebuilding initrd 08:54:07(UTC) /tmp/mnt/sysimg/boot/initrd-2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64.img is already removed 08:54:07(UTC) sysexec >>> chroot /tmp/mnt/sysimg mkinitrd -v --with=ext3 --allow-missing /boot/initrd-2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64.img 2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64 08:54:12(UTC) ==========stdout 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/dev/pts 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/initqueue 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/initqueue-finished 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/initqueue-settled 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/udev/rules.d 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/proc 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/sys 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/sysroot 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/tmp 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/lib 4 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/var/run 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/dev 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/emergency 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/etc/ 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/etc/plymouth 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/terminfo/a 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/terminfo/d 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/terminfo/l 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/pre-pivot 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/pre-trigger 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/share/plymouth/themes/details 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/share/plymouth/themes/text 8 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/var 12 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/mount 16 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/pre-udev 20 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/lib 20 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/share/pixmaps 20 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/share/plymouth/themes 24 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/etc/modprobe.d 28 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/etc/lvm 28 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib64/device-mapper 28 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/share/plymouth 32 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/terminfo/v 32 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/sbin 36 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/cmdline 48 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/device_handler 52 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/share 60 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/terminfo 72 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/etc/udev/rules.d 72 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/mmc/host 72 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/lib64/plymouth/renderers 80 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/etc/udev 80 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/ata 80 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/cdrom 104 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/lib64/plymouth 116 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/fs/jbd 132 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/block 136 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/usb/storage 140 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/usb 144 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/mmc/core 152 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firewire 160 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md 172 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/etc 172 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi 196 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/bin 220 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/mmc 252 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/fs/ext3 292 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr/lib64 340 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/udev 392 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/fs 580 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/usr 1140 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers 1280 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/bin 1376 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/sbin 1556 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel 1744 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64 1748 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib/modules 2160 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib 6548 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L/lib64 12264 /tmp/initramfs.1BBG0L 12264 total -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.6M Jan 19 08:54 /boot/initrd-2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64.img 08:54:12(UTC) ==========stderr I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /bin/dash I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib/udev/console_init I: Installing /bin/setfont I: Installing /bin/loadkeys I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/10-console.rules I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/10redhat-i18n/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/10rpmversion/dracut-version I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/10rpmversion/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /sbin/plymouthd I: Installing /bin/plymouth I: Installing /usr/share/plymouth/themes/text/text.plymouth I: Installing /usr/lib64/plymouth// I: Installing /usr/share/plymouth/themes/details/details.plymouth I: Installing /usr/lib64/plymouth// I: Installing /usr/share/pixmaps/system-logo-white.png I: Installing /etc/fedora-release I: Installing /usr/share/plymouth//plymouthd.defaults I: Installing /etc/plymouth//plymouthd.conf I: Installing /usr/lib64/ I: Installing /usr/lib64/ I: Installing /usr/lib64/ I: Installing /usr/lib64/ I: Installing /usr/lib64/ I: Installing /usr/lib64/plymouth//renderers/ I: Installing /usr/lib64/plymouth//renderers/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/50plymouth/ I: Installing /bin/readlink I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/90dm/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /sbin/dmsetup I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /sbin/dmeventd I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/10-dm.rules I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/95-dm-notify.rules I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/dm-mod.ko I: Installing /etc/modprobe.conf I: Installing /etc/modprobe.d/dist-alsa.conf I: Installing /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf I: Installing /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf I: Installing /etc/modprobe.d/dist-oss.conf I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/90kernel-modules/ I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/cdrom/cdrom.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/sr_mod.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/lib/crc-t10dif.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/sd_mod.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/device_handler/scsi_dh_rdac.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/device_handler/scsi_dh_emc.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/lib/crc-itu-t.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firewire/firewire-core.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firewire/firewire-ohci.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_core.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci-pci.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/block/floppy.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/ata/ata_generic.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/ata/pata_acpi.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/ata/ata_piix.ko device node not found I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/fs/mbcache.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/fs/jbd/jbd.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/fs/ext3/ext3.ko I: Installing /lib/modules/2.6.32-36.onelab.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_wait_scan.ko I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /sbin/lvm I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/64-lvm.rules I: Installing /etc/lvm/lvm.conf I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/13-dm-disk.rules I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/11-dm-lvm.rules I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/90lvm/ cat: write error: Broken pipe I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/device-mapper/ I: Installing /lib64/device-mapper/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95resume/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95resume/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95resume/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /bin/umount I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95rootfs-block/ I: Installing /lib/terminfo/a/ansi I: Installing /lib/terminfo/l/linux I: Installing /lib/terminfo/d/dumb I: Installing /lib/terminfo/v/vt220 I: Installing /lib/terminfo/v/vt200 I: Installing /lib/terminfo/v/vt100-nav I: Installing /lib/terminfo/v/vt100-am I: Installing /lib/terminfo/v/vt100 I: Installing /lib/terminfo/v/vt102 I: Installing /lib/terminfo/v/vt52 I: Installing /sbin/udevd I: Installing /sbin/udevadm I: Installing /etc/udev/udev.conf I: Installing /etc/group I: Installing /bin/basename I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/61-persistent-storage-edd.rules I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/80-drivers.rules I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/95-udev-late.rules I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95udev-rules/01-ignore.rules I: Installing /lib/udev/rules.d/50-firmware.rules I: Installing /bin/cat I: Installing /bin/uname I: Installing /sbin/blkid I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95udev-rules/59-persistent-storage.rules I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/95udev-rules/61-persistent-storage.rules I: Installing /lib/udev/ata_id I: Installing /lib/udev/cdrom_id I: Installing /lib/udev/create_floppy_devices I: Installing /lib/udev/edd_id I: Installing /lib/udev/firmware I: Installing /usr/lib64/ I: Installing /lib/udev/hid2hci I: Installing /lib/udev/path_id I: Installing /lib/udev/scsi_id I: Installing /lib/udev/usb_id cat: write error: Broken pipe I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /bin/mount I: Installing /bin/mknod I: Installing /bin/mkdir I: Installing /sbin/modprobe I: Installing /sbin/killall5 I: Installing /bin/sleep I: Installing /usr/sbin/chroot I: Installing /bin/sed I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /bin/ls I: Installing /usr/bin/flock I: Installing /bin/cp I: Installing /bin/mv I: Installing /bin/dmesg I: Installing /bin/rm I: Installing /bin/ln I: Installing /sbin/rmmod I: Installing /usr/bin/mkfifo I: Installing /lib64/ I: Installing /usr/bin/less I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/99base/init I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/99base/initqueue I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/99base/loginit I: Installing /sbin/switch_root I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/99base/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/99base/ I: Installing /usr/share/dracut/modules.d/99base/ I: ldconfig might need uid=0 (root) for chroot() 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/sys 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/dev 08:54:12(UTC) Step: Updating node configuration. 08:54:12(UTC) Updating vserver's /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf files 08:54:12(UTC) Updating network configuration in: 08:54:12(UTC) /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.pkg 08:54:12(UTC) /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref 08:54:12(UTC) /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vstub 08:54:12(UTC) /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.hash 08:54:12(UTC) /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/onelab-f14-x86_64 08:54:12(UTC) Forcing update on vserver reference directory: /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/onelab-f14-x86_64 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec (shell mode) >>> echo 'AUTO_UPDATE_NET_FILES' > /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/onelab-f14-x86_64/etc/AUTO_UPDATE_NET_FILES08:54:12(UTC) Updating network files in /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/onelab-f14-x86_64. 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> chattr -i /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/onelab-f14-x86_64/etc/hosts 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> chattr -i /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/onelab-f14-x86_64/etc/resolv.conf 08:54:12(UTC) ==========stderr chattr: No such file or directory while trying to stat /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/onelab-f14-x86_64/etc/resolv.conf 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> cp /tmp/mnt/sysimg/etc/resolv.conf /tmp/mnt/sysimg//vservers/.vref/onelab-f14-x86_64/etc 08:54:12(UTC) Updating ssh public host key with PLC. 08:54:12(UTC) Copying kernel and initrd for booting. 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> cp /tmp/mnt/sysimg/boot/kernel-boot /tmp/kernel 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> cp /tmp/mnt/sysimg/boot/initrd-boot /tmp/initrd 08:54:12(UTC) Unmounting disks. 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/vservers 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/proc 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/dev 08:54:12(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/dev: not mounted 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg/sys 08:54:12(UTC) ==========stderr umount: /tmp/mnt/sysimg/sys: not mounted 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> umount /tmp/mnt/sysimg 08:54:12(UTC) sysexec >>> vgchange -an 08:54:12(UTC) ==========stdout 0 logical volume(s) in volume group "planetlab" now active 08:54:12(UTC) ==========stderr File descriptor 3 (/tmp/bm.log) leaked on vgchange invocation. Parent PID 616: /usr/bin/python 08:54:12(UTC) Step: Stopping 08:54:12(UTC) Unloading modules and chain booting to new kernel. 08:54:12(UTC) Uploading logs to /boot/upload-bmlog.php